is defined as a state of complete calm or complete balance.
Equilibrium4Wellbeing provides balance between the three areas:
Cognitiv - Emotional - Somatic
approaches on which the concept is based:
Positive Psychology - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Mindfulness - Yoga
refers to various interrelated dimensions of physical, mental and social wellbeing that go beyond the traditional definition of health. It includes activities aimed at achieving physical vitality, mental agility, social satisfaction, a sense of achievement, and personal fulfillment

My motto as Wellbeing Trainer is
'Creating Space in Body and Mind'.
Stress, anxiety, strong emotions, overthinking can restrict the space we need in order to experience feelings
and in order to respond skillfully to whatever arises.
I help people exploring where (and why) that space
is restricted, and support them in widening the space.
Mindful Yoga
In mindful yoga we explore the wisdom of our embodied experience, from the physical to the sensory, from the sensory to the emotional, from the emotional to the energetic.
Body and mind are not separate. But often they are not united and that is when we feel unease.
We are trapped in the headspace, not knowing there is another place to be.
In mindful yoga, we pay close attention to breath, body, postures, and movements, while also observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This type of practice develops greater
self-awareness, reduces stress, increases mental clarity and emotional stability, and improves
overall well-being.
In class you will be encouraged to work within your body mind limitations and accepting yourself today with compassion. Being kind to yourself though at the same time you will meet physical challenge with curiosity and interest as we are seeking to expand our ‘window of tolerance’.
The alchemy of weaving breath, posture, movement, and mindfulness is a truly holistic approach
to yoga and to life. Can we allow ourselves to drop the striving and achieving thus providing both the physical and mental space essential for expansion and development? Let’s explore!
Mindful Yoga practice is a free offering.
The practice takes place online on Mondays at 6.30pm GMT
Email to subscribe (kontaktequilibrium@gmail.com).

​Better Mental Health Through Embodiment
Scholarly Kitchen Blog
The Pursuit of Happiness – Researching Good Health and Well-Being
Blog about the science behind happiness, the UN Happiness Report, and how to achieve happiness through experiences.
World Mental Health Day 2023 - Interview with Digital-Science
Danielle Feger, MA Cantab
Stress Counsellor & Wellbeing Trainer
As stress counsellor and wellbeing trainer, I practice within a holistic framework of positive psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and yoga. My philosophy is to involve the whole person in order to develop mental, emotional and physical states of wellbeing.
My consultations are tailored to the unique needs of each individual and help to develop skills to achieve good mental health, high life satisfaction, to find meaning or purpose, as well to teach the ability to deal with stress
and anxiety and to achieve balance.
Prior to founding Equilibrium4Wellbein, I had a long career in research strategy at the University of Cambridge.
As a Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge, I keep up to date on research on key topics in wellbeing and
incorporate this scientific approach into my concept and training.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Institute of Counselling, Glasgow
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), University of Oxford
Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
Stress Management, College of Integrated Therapies, London
Yoga Teacher (International Yoga Association), CamYoga, Cambridge
Professional Development
Deeper Mindfulness, Mark Williams, University of Oxford
Compassionate Inquiry, Gabor Maté
Positive Psychology (Fredrickson), University of North Carolina
Yoga Sequencing Master Course, Mark Stephens, Santa Cruz
Restorative Yoga, Yoga & Ayurveda Center